
2024 matches

If you’d like to post looking for a boat / runner / team, simply email the details to us.

If any skippers can accommodate a youth team in 2024, please get in touch with us.

Boats looking for Sailors

Boats looking for runners

Runners looking for boats

Mixed pair of hill runners looking for a boat. Plenty of mileage in our hill legs, not enough nautical miles in our sea legs. Looking to redress the balance. We both run for Shettleston and each finished top 10 in the Scottish hill running champs this year. F, 2nd. M, 8th (getting on a bit). Novice sailors, but keen to pitch in where we can. Iain’s done a bit of sailing over the years, and CJ has a strong stomach from countless rocky CalMac crossings. Hope to find a boat/crew soon so we can grab some beers and get to know you. We’d be up for some training days before the race too, if we feel like the right match for your crew. Get us by email at

Keen runner looking for a ride – lots of long-race experience (Lakeland Classics, Welsh races, mountain ultras, Alpine stage races) so love nothing more than getting cold, wet and thoroughly exhausted. Also a seasoned boatowner and a reasonably experienced offshore racer (so operating on zero sleep is a forte), but apart from lacking the time to sail my boat up to Scotland, I’d rather be running anyway. Based in southern England but happy to come up for a hill race and/or a beer to meet prospective crews. Contact Ed

Runner with lots of ultra running experience including mountains and fells, both single and multi days. Comfortable navigating and running through the night. I took part in the 3 Peaks Yacht Race a couple of years ago which I enjoyed and was hoping to get to sea again. While I was mainly a runner in the race I did helped out with sailing when things got exciting! I also helping out feeding the busy crew. I live in London but I am happy to meet in person if need be. Contact Graham:

Experienced running / sailing crew looking for a boat with or without skipper. Our own skipper (if bareboat) is highly qualified and experienced (RYA YMO Examiner, multiple ocean races, expeditions to the south Atlantic). Two of us have done the race before (many years ago) and won our class. Happy to pay for a private charter. Contact Alasdair

Experienced fell racer and endurance athlete over many years, based in Bristol but a member of the Welsh Fell Running Association training mostly in the remote Bannau Brycheiniog National Park (Brecon Beacons). Recent races include the 2023/24 South Wales Winter Fell Series and the 2023 Ironman Wales. As well as multiple road and trail marathon races. My next AL Fell race is in March 2024. Growing up in Poole, Dorset I spent many days out on the water as well as my trips with my family to Islay via Jura, Arran etc in the summers. I wouldn’t profess to be an avid sailor but I am very comfortable at sea and have never experienced any problems. SIP has been on my bucket list since I was a boy at school. My navigational skills are good, I’m level-headed with good chat but most crucially I make a great brew. Contact or text 07887409532. I’d be happy to chat on teams/zoom or even arrange a meet up if possible 🙂 Cheers

Experienced Fell Runner Looking for a Boat currently run for Ambleside AC and race regularly with decent results (top 10%) on longer races such as Old Crown Road, Jura, Borrowdale and
Teenager with Altitude in 2023. Experienced mountaineer and SMC member
with good ability to suffer and tie knots. No history of sea.
sickness. Contact

Boatless runner looking for a team. I’m a relative newcomer to hill running, so my longer distance experience is on the roads (marathons and 50k). When I moved to Scotland I discovered the joys of hill running and joined the Shettleston Harriers. Since then, I’ve run some races on rougher terrain, including the Ring of Steall Skyrace. Not a sailor but eager to learn! I spent a few weeks on a catamaran so know my stomach can handle some rocky waters. That trip also taught me how to recover a capsized boat, though I’m hoping this experience won’t come in handy. Based in Glasgow but happy to travel for a day out on the hill, so we can get to know each other! You can reach me via email. Contact Gemma

Two female runners looking for a boat – Hello! Two gals looking for a boat here. Both have plentiful hill races/mountain days up our sleeves. Also Alice has done some Scottish rounds, a few ultras, and all of the hills in SIPR (incl. Jura hill race); and Gemma has lots of Alpine/European multi-day running experience, plus a few mountain ultras. Both competent navigators and happy in the dark. Alice has some previous sailing experience (ARC) and both are happy to pitch in when needed. We want to run the best race we can whilst having a good time (that last bit is quite important). Would love to go for a cuppa/pint if you’re interested in sailing with us! Please contact Alice on: “

Enthusiastic female runner looking for a team -Avid fell runner with lots of long race experience- mountain marathons, long fell races and ultra races. Currently captaining HBT so have plenty of experience in having lots of fun while running up hills, and also in post-race real-ale drinking. I’ve got some sailing experience (heavily supervised) but would like to be shown the ropes. I know lots of sea shanties (this is optional), and am a big kitchen-experimenter so come guaranteed with an assortment of novel snacks. Would be great to meet for a run +/- pint to discuss. Contact Lizzie:

Two fell runners from the Lake District looking for sailors and a boat. Phil Rutter – won a few Lakeland classic races in recent years. Second to the current record holder at the Jura race in 2023. Won the OMM the last two years. Sailed quite a bit when younger (mostly in the Mediterranean) so I know my way around a boat but not Corryvreckan. Tom Simpson – Lots of wins and records in the Lakes for long and short races. Generally much better at the actual running bit than Phil. Has sailed dinghies and probably remembers some sailing words but no guarantees he won’t chunder. Contact:

Veteran runner looking for a boat. Plenty of mountain marathons in full-fat and mini variety completed and a few category AL fell races. Generally finishing around middle of the pack. What I lack in speed I usually make up for in navigation. Happiest in awful visibility, wet, cold, windy and up high. Sea legs untested so unlikely to be any use on deck. I started doing AL fell races and mountain marathons when I heard about the SIPR 15 years ago and I figure I’ve done enough training now and just need to get on with it… Contact Ben:

Glasgow-based female runner looking for a boat: I’m an experienced road runner but started running hills in the last year or so, have done a few hill races including the OMM. I am also a qualified RYA Day Skipper so am useful on a boat, with 4 summer’s worth of sailing around the Scottish isles including many trips in and among the Inner Hebrides. I am competent in hill navigation and hold the Diploma in Mountain Medicine. Keen to run but also happy to join as crew if that’s what’s going. Happy to chat, contact


…until the next Scottish Islands Peaks Race!

